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PTSD Treatment in California

By:  Integrative Behavioral Health & Medicine | Date: 11 Jun 2024

Our PTSD treatment center in California is here to help those with past trauma. Call Integrative Behavioral Health & Medicine at 866 362 4246

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PTSD Treatment in California

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition caused by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. Natural disasters, major accidents, terrorist actions, war/combat, and personal assaults are some examples of such events. Individuals with PTSD may have intense anxiety, flashbacks, and uncontrollable thoughts about the event, which have a significant influence on their daily life.

Symptoms of PTSD
PTSD symptoms are generally as follows:

Intrusive Thoughts: When reminded of the traumatic event, individuals may experience flashbacks, nightmares, and intense distress.

Avoidance: This involves steering clear of places, people, and activities that trigger memories of the traumatic event.

Negative Changes in Thinking and Mood: This can include negative ideas about oneself or others, despair about the future, memory issues, and difficulties maintaining close relationships.

Changes in Physical and Emotional Reactions: Symptoms include being easily startled, feeling on edge, having difficulty sleeping, and experiencing angry outbursts.

Causes and Risk Factors
PTSD can develop after a stressful event, but not everyone who has been through trauma develops it. Several factors can raise the probability of developing PTSD, such as:

Previous Traumatic Experiences: A person who has experienced trauma in the past may be more vulnerable.

Family History: Having relatives with mental health issues, especially PTSD.

Personal History: A history of mental ailments, such as anxiety or depression.

Nature of the Trauma: Experiencing intense or long-lasting trauma, or working in a field that puts you at risk of being exposed to traumatic events.

Lack of Support: Having little or no support from friends and family.

Diagnoses and Treatments
A thorough psychiatric evaluation is often used to diagnose PTSD, taking into account the person's symptoms as well as the traumatic incident they encountered. Treatment for PTSD can be extremely effective and usually involves a combination of therapies like Psychotherapy, Medications and Self-Care & Support

How Can IBHM Help?
Integrative Behavioural Health & Medicine (IBHM) takes a holistic approach to treating PTSD, emphasizing the interconnection of the mind, body, and spirit. Here's how IBHM can help people suffering from PTSD:

Holistic and Integrative Approach: IBHM takes a holistic and integrative approach, combining established psychiatric treatments with complementary and alternative medicine to provide a well-balanced and personalized treatment plan. This technique addresses the underlying causes of PTSD and enhances overall well-being.

Naturopathy and Nutrition: Recognising the importance of physical health in mental well-being, IBHM includes nutrition and naturopathy in their treatment plans. A healthy diet and natural supplements can boost the body's resistance to stress and improve overall health.

Medication Management: For patients who may benefit from medication, IBHM provides careful and tailored medication management. This ensures that patients receive the necessary pharmacological support while minimizing side effects.

Personalized Care: Each treatment plan at IBHM is customized to meet the unique needs of the individual. This personalized care ensures that patients receive the most effective treatments tailored to their specific symptoms and circumstances.

PTSD is a complex condition that necessitates a sophisticated and extensive treatment plan. Integrative Behavioral Health & Medicine (IBHM) provides a unique combination of traditional and holistic therapies, resulting in a comprehensive and effective treatment plan for people suffering from PTSD. IBHM assists patients in achieving long-term healing and a higher quality of life by addressing their mind and body.

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